Washington, Agencies: The corona epidemic in America is becoming increasingly catastrophic. According to news agency Rector Data, in the last 24 hours, a record over 69 thousand new cases have been found. No other country in the world has found such a large number of infections in a single day, amid the devastating Corona epidemic in the US, Orlando in Palorida province on Saturday. This is the third consecutive day that the Walt Disney Vall theme park in the city has opened its Magic Kingdom Park AFP can bring more than 60 thousand new Louisiana, Montana and Ohio to the US. Infection patients have been found in California. Nine provinces, including the new epicenter of the epidemic, are also witnessing an upsurge in California, emerging as nearly eight thousand prisoners in the wake of infection. Florida and Texas Governor Greg Avott have been decided to release. On the other hand, the number of infected people on Friday in Florida has increased on Friday warning that a record 11433 new cases have been found. While Alaska, Georgia, if infection did not decline. Meanwhile in the province of Orlando, Disney Viscosin, Ido. Iowa, the world has reopened in the province, and has been reopened.